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  • 4 Jan 2024 8:10 AM | Chris Orlich

    *Flexible shifts available - Make your own schedule - 4 day work week option*

    pH lawn care is a growing, independently owned company dedicated to the highest quality of turf care and is seeking to add an additional lawn care technician to its team of experts.  Servicing northeastern Massachusetts, we provide comprehensive, high-end agronomic programs to keep our lawn looking great year round. This includes turf fertilizations, pesticide applications, aerations and overseeding, and plant health care treatments. We are focused on growing the highest quality turf for our customers, and in doing so do not provide any maintenance services such as mowing or clean-ups.

    Bonus paid at end of season

    Health and dental insurance

    401(k) with company match

    Paid time off

    Paid holidays

    Starting pay range: $20-35 per hour, negotiable based on prior experience.

    This is an excellent opportunity to learn valuable trade skills from a knowledgeable and experienced team.

    If interested, please contact:

    Chris at or by cell: (978) 471-8618

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