The following non-profit Green Industry institutions/associations are pre-approved to offer MCLP credit at the rate of 1 MCLP credit for each half-day (4.0 hrs.) horticulture-related course or 2 MCLP credits for each full-day (8.0 hrs.) course:
Pre-approved organizations should take the following steps to secure MCLP credits:
1. REQUIRED - Please let MALP know about the event offered by filling out the form below. This allows us to field inquiries about upcoming credit-earning events. Also, we can add your event to our recertification form at the end of the year.
2. REQUIRED - Following your event, please return a completed sign in sheet for our records. A sample is below.
3. REQUIRED - MCLPs in attendance should be encouraged to maintain their own proof of attendance in the event of an audit.
4. Optional - consider adding your event to the MAA / MALP Industry Calendar. Use the form below.
You may still qualify to offer MCLP credit.
Commercial entities, for-profit organizations or other organizations that do not meet the pre-approval criterion above, please contact the Certification Manager to request approval to award CEU credits at your educational program. You will need to provide a description of the event, including hours of instruction time, and please indicate whether the event is free and open to the public.
MCLP credits cannot be advertised or promised to attendees without pre-approval from the MCLP Program.
Continuing education credits may be granted for programs that state an educational purpose that is clearly aligned with the MCLP curriculum and study guide content. No credit will be awarded for a program that endorses a proprietary/commercial product or process.
Credit will be granted in accordance with the standards set forth on the MCLP recertification tally sheet: 2 credits per day-long event (approximately 8 hours of training), 1 credit per half day event (approximately 4 hours of training). Half-credits may be granted when applicable.